"Calling these bitches “bitches” cause bitches ain’t even women!" - Wale
Scrolling through my timeline via twitter & my facebook newsfeed I often see dudes say “I need a bad bitch” or “I need a real bitch” & I can’t help but get a little vexed. I must admit that I’m not a fan of men calling women bitches or hoes but hey that’s me. My dad didn’t run around calling me or my sister a bitch or hoe so why would I let any other man do that?? (Keep Reading)
Scrolling through my timeline via twitter & my facebook newsfeed I often see dudes say “I need a bad bitch” or “I need a real bitch” & I can’t help but get a little vexed. I must admit that I’m not a fan of men calling women bitches or hoes but hey that’s me. My dad didn’t run around calling me or my sister a bitch or hoe so why would I let any other man do that?? (Keep Reading)
Every woman is or has the potential to be a queen & deserves to be treated like one. Whether she's a video model, doctor, stripper or a teacher...treat her like a queen. In order to attract something you have to be
on the same frequency as whatever it is that you desire. Does that make sense? Basically like attracts like. If you want a “bad or real female”..
then first you gotta mature & address her correctly. Make sure you are actually ready to love, respect & take care of her. You have to be real to attract real. If you carry yourself like a king then you will attract a queen. You get it? Good. Instead of trying to get a "bad bitch" find a QUEEN w. some substance. I have posted a poem below, check it out. Please share comments below J & stay blessed!
then first you gotta mature & address her correctly. Make sure you are actually ready to love, respect & take care of her. You have to be real to attract real. If you carry yourself like a king then you will attract a queen. You get it? Good. Instead of trying to get a "bad bitch" find a QUEEN w. some substance. I have posted a poem below, check it out. Please share comments below J & stay blessed!
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